Current Opportunities Represented by SBI Talent Network

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Smart Buildings, Smart Industry, Smart Manufacturing

Opportunities in Smart Buildings & Building Automation

Opportunities in Smart Buildings & Building Automation

Examples: Control Technicians/Engineers, Fire/Safety, Lighting, Programming, VMS, Systems Integration

Opportunities in Smart Industry & Smart Manufacturing

Opportunities in Smart Industry & Smart Manufacturing

Examples: DCS, MES, PLC, Control Technicians/Engineers, Sales, Utilities, Water Treatment

Parallel Opportunities Associated with Smart Buildings, Industry, and Manufacturing

Parallel Opportunities Associated with Smart Buildings, Industry, and Manufacturing

Examples: Water Treatment, Specialty Chemicals, Project Management, Facilities Management

Opportunities in  Chemical Engineering

Opportunities in Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineers + DCS Experience - Placed 7 into Hydrite Chemical

Opportunities in "Smart" Infrastructure

Opportunities in "Smart" Infrastructure

Project Manager for New "Smart" KC Airport

Opportunities in Route Sales

Opportunities in Route Sales

Route Sales Representatives - Material Handling. Placed 21 Route Sales Professionals into Magline, Inc.